Monday, March 18, 2013

Barrett reading and Lucid Dreaming,d.dmg&psig=AFQjCNGfMtreiYKL6Msg6XttdOD8_HxxdQ&ust=1363706835538539

Barrett overview

When reading the Barrett chapter on describing art I found it to be very informative for me as someone who is not really in the “art circle.” I like how she described how there are three different areas that you can describe the art; Subject and subject matter, medium or media and form.
She indicates in her writing that subject and subject matter are what is actually seen and what can be inferred from the piece of work. Medium or media describes what the artist created such as a painting, video or construction and can also go into finer detail. (Such as describing what kind of fabric was used) Form is how an artist presents their piece of work in the given medium that they have chosen.
She then gives the reader many examples of descriptions of art and then concludes by saying that descriptions of art are art criticism, not a prelude to it. I like how she talked about how the writers ideas and biases are what form the critiques and that they write with passion to help “paint” a vivid picture for their audience. I agree with her last paragraph where she refers to the truthful descriptions because I think if you really look at any of the criticisms she offered and then the work, you can make connections and either agree or disagree with the things that have been said, but you can not be neutral. Overall I really enjoyed this reading and I think it really helped me understand art criticism better.

Lucid Dreaming recap!

Reading Beth Wilson's "Lucid Dreaming" really showed off a lot of what I read in Barrett's writing. Wilson goes through two different pieces of art and slowly breaks them down with descriptions of subject, subject matter, medium, form and then gives her own opinions through these things about what maybe the author was meaning or intending. In my opinion, Wilson seems to take preference over the Bivouac piece to the Paths piece when she says, "Given the many dirt roads, wooded pathways and trails that honeycomb the Byrdcliffe colony, it comes as a bit of a disappointment that almost the entire show can be seen in a drive-by along Upper Byrdcliffe Road. Any number of previous Byrdcliffe summer shows have made better use of the property, and, given the organizing principle of this exhibition, it’s a real opportunity lost."