Monday, April 22, 2013

Artist Response Six

So continuing my venture into exploring the work of Chinese artist and sculptor Lei Yixin I have found many images and a few stories that add some value to knowing more about him and what he does. The three pieces that I have selected to put in this blog post represent some of the same underlying themes in my opinion. 


Yixin is obviously a very skilled sculptor but going deeper than that it is obvious to me that he really enjoys sculpting human form. When I look at his work, Yixin seems to have such a great appreciation for the human form and an attention to the detail that comes out in the complexity of his work with such a difficult medium to maneuver.  It was his piece, “Contemplation” in an art exhibition in Minnesota that led Yixin to be, for a lack of better words, discovered by Ed Jackson the man in charge erecting the Martin Luther King Jr. memorial in Washington, DC. That monument, which I will hit on in the next blog post, is probably what Yixin is most known for. 

An unnamed piece of work done by Yixin in the Hunan Province of China

In both the unnamed piece above and in his work “contemplation” you can truly see this attention to detail of life form and how he using his medium of large stone sculptures to really show the power of emotion and feeling through his work. I feel like his work makes you think and almost feel like you can connect with the people that he is sculpting because of how lifelike they feel and look.

Another work by Yixin in his school in Hunan.

1 comment:

  1. His work is remarkably evocative - very strong structural elements in the work, and striking compositions. Your posts provide a very nice "growth" in understanding and articulation of different aspects of his work.
