Thursday, February 7, 2013

Class Notes 2/7

Field Choice: Education

1. What are the tools that allow you to do what you do?
2. What makes good work in your field, good work?
3. What is creativity in your field?

1. There are many tools that allow for an educator to educate. Simply enough they start out with just the existence of the teacher and student in the same setting. The knowledge base that the teacher brings to the student is a tool. Other tools that are often used and thought of would be a school building, the classroom, desks, textbooks, writing utensils.

2. Good work is the teacher differentiating to meet the needs of the student. Recognition that all students are unique and need to be taught in a unique way. Being able to get respect is the first key in making a teacher be able to reach their pupil. Once there is trust and respect then the teaching/learning process can be done almost seamlessly. Students at that point will not be held back or hindered by their deficiencies and will try to learn and achieve.

3. Creativity, in my opinion is done by thinking outside the box and making yourself and thinking outside of the norm. Creative teachers find various ways to meet the demands of their very different students.

Group thoughts: AKKA
1. Imagination, supplies, knowledge, students/patients, good language to make for good communication.

2. Imaginative, intelligent students, good communicator/interviewer for differentiating, being positive role model.

3. Show care, and detail to lesson, having humility, think outside of the box, take knowledge and manipulate it, have endless creativity.


Chpt 1 SPA

3. What is creativity have to do with freedom?

In my opinion, Wolff does not believe that we have freedom. She talks about how most of what we do is not free, I took this as we don’t have freedom of choice. When she talked about freedom was a myth she talks about how the only choice we have is what to do with our free time when we have no obligations. But then she goes on to say how “Innovations (creativity) is understood as the practical outcome of an uniquely specific combination of structural determinants and conditions. Our cultural experiences will determine how we are creative. While you can step out of your “box” there will always be another box that you are in, boxes inside of boxes inside of boxes.

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