Thursday, February 28, 2013


When thinking about human activity and reflection of human activity, I choose to use the work by Donna Maria deCreeft.

I think that this piece shows human activity by how we function in our bodies and how our bodies have changed, sometimes for the good, sometimes not. I think it shows how evolution and how we have messed with our environment has had implications that have not been great for the next generation.

When thinking about reflection of human activity I think that this piece makes us think about how we might be able to leave a better planet behind, maybe start thinking green and about more than just the current generations.

Notes on SPA 3:

Art As Ideology

-There is influence of ideology on art.
 It emerges from social structures and tools and can yield different ideologies.

-Dominant and Alternate Ideologies
1. Dominant is mainstream. The people with the money and influence are the ones who set this.
2. Alternate can consist of Residual, emergent, oppositional or alternative.

Examples: Residual: Electoral College
Emergent: The Role of Women over the past 30 years.
Oppositional and Alternative: Same Sex Marriage and Legalizing Marijuana.

We have to recognize that there are ideologies at play in all art like we saw of the farm painting in class.

-Ideas are systematically and structurally related to the (physical) material conditions in which we live. We have Activity which is what we do and then there is Reflection of those activities were we think about what we have done. We have to realize that ideas and ideologies are reflected and seen in all of our actions and activities.

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